Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Grandbrother Knows Bed Bugs Bite Twice

Clip It!

Cover Songs Four Track

For two years we have been working on a four-track recording in which we do electric studio versions of the same cover songs we do live in our acoustic act. There are some amazing versions of songs by Lord Litter, Bunk Nesbit, Lawrence Salvitore, Man's Hate and more. This tape has been stalled over and over for periods up to 10 months at a time. We layered some drum tracks on the final mixdown, but the quality suffered. So instead of waiting until we complete a new set of drum tracks and remixes, I am sending out the drumless version, which is still amazing!

Crayon Grenade (1)

Featuring De Fabriek [nl] factor X [uk] minoy [ca]

Crayon Grenade (2) Crayola Credit Card

Crayon Grenade (3) DiscoScrap

Crayon Grenade (4) Tuf Mape

Featuring Tuf [jp]

Crayon Grenade (5) X factor

Featuring factor X [uk]

Crayon Grenade (6) PreFabriekish

Featuring De Fabriek [nl]

Crayon Grenade (7 & 8) The Minoy Speakeasy Club

Crayon Grenade (9) Epic of Laura & Other Name Games

Crayon Grenade (10)

Featuring Minoy [ca] factor X [uk]


Deskrewerks is the experimental tape featuring screwdriver guitar and amplified metal desk. Crazy and varied.

First and Last of August

Grandbrother recorded some side-long compositions in 1992, and in August we did two side-long pieces which are moody and mutated featuring the Cat Kid and other friends. The release is called First and Last of August.

For All You Do This Drug's For You

Grandbrother Knows the Third Time is a Cliche

Third Time is from the ending of this period and is extra hip with the inclusion of the hit "Is there copulation in the asylum as well ?" which includes readings and lyrics from "Artistry of the Mentally Ill" by Hans Prinzhorn.

With Fruit and Skunk

The first Grandbrother tape for 1991 was completed in October. Grandbrother With Fruit and Skunk is a 60 minute release that features the first use of my Macintosh computer playing compositions I did in college and more recently. The first side features the expected array of disjointed and charming hits we can't help but churn out. The second side has the more experimental and adventurous pieces, some of which are disquieting and others, like the "Tree Composition", are rewardingly tranquil.

Grandbrother Says Floss!

Grandbrother Says Floss! was our second release for 1991 and it is the strongest song-oriented tape we've produced. Bobby Douglas, who plays drums with us live at our 'electric' shows, is on this release playing drums and keyboards using his powerful Yamaha SY-55 workstation keyboard. The result is a powerful sounding set of recordings with vitality and punch. It features such pieces as "The Dental Floss Man", "Smack Spiller, Impatient Man" and "The Man Who Wears Horse Sweat for Cologne."


Grandslambrotherhoodism is a two-part outtakes series of masterfully edited excerpts from live and studio actions. Bizarre and wild. "((novelty versions))", in addition, features really peculiar versions of cover songs and classics.


It's A Ding Dong

It's A Ding Dong is an experimental journey of 'early grimbrother abuse'!

Grandbrother Makes Your Feel

Grandbrother Makes Your Feel is an extra ultra lo-fi adventure into a day-in-the-life of Grandbrother with acoustic practice and legendary Grandbrother hijinks.

Madge Freeman

The Freeman series uses the extra hip music of Margaret Freeman from Paris (two ex-members of Urbain Autopsy). Madge Freeman has the most uncompromising and direct vocals ever! Titles like "Fuck Meow", "(The Bottomless Pit) Forever", "Slaughterhouse" plus more grueling works. Marge Freeman also features some Grandbrother recordings including tribal acoustic rhythms.

Marge Freeman


Unearthed in '96 is a dreamy 30 minute work from 1991 called Mozarp. Ritualistic in a Zoviet France view, it features Arp Axe and various delayed electro-acoustic accompaniment.

Really Great! Quick moving and very ear sucking. Great to hear it unfold throughout the piece(s). Best Grandbrother I've heard yet!
Brian Noring

Newbling Parts 73 & 41

Newbling is a classic and a favorite of Grandbrother fans, I call it 60 minutes of "subtronic depth funk." Murky and suggestive, yet hypnotic and involving.

Operation Dankside

Operation Dankside is the most consistent and cohesive work to date. This is a Grandbrother classic with hits such as "What Would the Fat Man Say?", "White Woman in a Cadillac" and "Dancing with Nancy."

Peeling Grandbrother from Beneath Your Driveway

featuring Minóy and PBK.

(Quasi) Grandbrother Live RIG

In the Fall of 1996 I was invited to do a live performance for a local "Rustbelt Improvisers Group" concert series and I asked CBC3 and our friend Miko to join me. I am releasing this wonderful improvised work (Quasi) Grandbrother Live RIG at inspired by a torrential rain and lightning storm. The set covers a range of wonderful eclectic arrangements. You can switch off your lights while listening to simulate the stormy event.

Quick Hide the Door

Quick Hide the Door and For All You Do, This Drug's For You are from the same period and feature a classic approach using piano, and more keyboards with brilliant lyrics from Thomas McEvilley. These two tapes are considerably more musical than most releases, but no less compelling.

Reconstituted Grandbrother

Reconstituted Grandbrother pulls out some oddities from a series of newly discovered recordings. Compiled in 1996.

"Reconstitud (sic.) Grandbrother tape was great. I felt like I was on another planet far away from earth"
- Leigh Julian (Smell the Stench label, Australia)

Scraping Grandbrother off the Road

Scraping Grandbrother off the Road and Peeling Grandbrother from Beneath Your Driveway are a lot more aggressive, with scathing guitars, nasty sampling, screaming Minóy voices, cool songs, and wicked mixes. Both tapes feature Californians Minóy and PBK as well as others.

Staying Alive in 1989

Staying Alive in 1989 is our first tape, and it features us live doing acoustic covers of home tapers' songs and in the studio using drum machines, guitars, bass, arp and various effects, plus my vocals. Staying Alive is our first outing featuring a few home-taper covers and the amazing "Nippothrash."

cover drawing by Mike Stevens

Stipticnick picks Grandbrother

Bed Bugs Bite Twice and Stipticnick picks Grandbrother are the two 1990 works. The former is an inconsiderate assault on your senses. The latter is the coolest release we've done since Madge Freeman. It features all music by Nick [in]and voices, effects and stray percussion/viola by Grandbrother. This is on the B-Side of the Generations Unlimited album.


XTV and Clip It are two tapes recorded about the same times with taped sources and goofy experimentation with classic hits using more keyboards and lots of recklessness.